R.A. Glancy & Sons, Inc. primarily operates from our home office, which is located in Gibsonia Pennsylvania. The main office has 2 full-time secretaries who handle the daily correspondence with the jobsites and daily operations, a full-time controller who takes care of all financial duties, seven project managers who are very “hands on”, and 2 Company officers who are involved in all aspects of the company on a daily basis. Office hours are 8:00am – 4:30pm Monday through Friday, however the project manager, project superintendent, quality control manager, safety director, and office manager are available for emergency contact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

So, what sets R.A. Glancy apart from the rest?
Hands On Philosophy – R.A. Glancy ensures that each project has a dedicated full-time project manager who is on-site daily to keep the project on schedule and on budget.
Self-Performed Work – R.A. Glancy employees’ industry trained carpenters, operators, cement finishers, and laborers who are able to self-perform essential field work.
Community Involvement – Throughout the years, R.A. Glancy continuously gives back to the local community through involvement in various organizations and affiliations.
Dedicated Management Team – Our management team is not only available during normal work hours; they are available 24 hours a day for an emergency needs that may arise.